Monday, December 30, 2013

Goodbye 2013...

Welding up the final parts for the year, glad to have these wrapped up because Nahbs prep begins...

The result...solidified puddles of steel and rainbow color as a new cycling tool/toy is born...

Knocking out a titanium bar for local KSD racer, Corrianne K...will be coated in Orange with blue splatter Cerakote to match her Santa Cruz hardtail...

A titanium seat post with a brushed finish, polished graphics, and hardware finished with Graphite Black ceramic...

Finally, we had a rare sunny day with a high in the 50's, so the kids and I ran off to a local cliff to do some climbing.  It was nice to get out and enjoy the outdoors.  Seriously, the grey clouds and dismal weather of Ohio get me down this time of year, so it was nice to have a dose of sun and fun to revive the spirit.

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