Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Back in the shop...

Well, it's been a slower recovery than I would have liked but I've been released, officially, to get back into the shop as long as I "act like a normal human"...words from my doctor who loves me so much :)

I've got a lot of catching up to do, but thought I'd let y'all know that I appreciate your patience, supportive emails, and encouragement.

Getting back at it, I prepped a couple of frames for paint; Todd's Yo, Jason's Groovy Retro, and Jared's Yo.  Typical of what I find with old restos, here's what lay under Jared's Aqua Fade...

Give me a call Jared and we'll talk options for saving the old girl.

Lots to do today...bars to ship, paint to finish, and loads of email to catch back up on.



1 comment:

rmb said...

Glad you are doing well. The doc knows you well.