Often designs force materials to bend and move in ways that are not in the best interest of the material. Ti especially, does not like to be manipulated into sharper oval shapes or bends. Often, you will see fracture failures at the peak of the oval, most commonly experienced at the top or bottom of chainstays where significant swaging has taken place to allow for tire clearance.
Gradual, swoopy bends, often seen in bikes like James's Black sheep or Jeff's Space frame designs, place less stress on the material and are easier to control.
So, what's the trick to making these higher stress bends successful? I did a little demo to show ya...
In the case of the Luvs, I have to reduce the od of the center section (1.00" tubing) to about .785" to meet the .875" grip section, providing efficient surface area without overlapping.
As we mentioned, the swaging process causes a lot of stress on the peaks of the ovalization, which can cause fracture failures in the material.
Here's a piece set up in the swaging fixture...
A close up of the fractured piece...can you see the crack developing?
So, cheap propane is your friend ;)
Remember, working with Ti has a steep learning curve and you need to be willing to waste some time and money on material while you learn the tricks of the trade. Hopefully, this tip will save you some of that.
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