Saturday was spent working on Phat Jay's Bigwheel SS. This build will be a sturdy performance frame for Jay who rides hard and wants a frame that will keep up with him for a looong time. This one is being built with a mix of Columbus, Dedda, and custom drawn tubing for a sweet mix of comfort and performance for the demands of single speed riding.
I hit a stopping point with Jay's frame as I'm waiting on a shipment of sliders from Paragon, so I finished up a few more Luv Handles. Some lucky customers will be getting their June shipment early ;)
At the spur of the moment, a group decided to go hit the trail for some late evening single track...Zach, Ben, Doug, John, Kalten and I headed down to Mohican for 9 miles of hilly single track.
We had a butt load of fun, but it was very muddy, wet and cold. Kalten suffered some entertaining carnage as he lost control on a STEEP downhill switchback, promptly endoing and hitting a tree. Here's a shot post ride refuling at Micky Dee's (note the blood ladies...he's hardcore!)
Sunday was a bust for me for productivity.
It's Mother's day and I got up and made Christi breakfast then thought "I'll just lie down for a bit while I wait for the kids to get through the shower". Big mistake...I woke back up at 2:30 in the afternoon. I guess my body just decided it had run hard for long enough. Anyway, made my Babie Momma some dinner, chocolate covered strawberries for dessert, and called it a day.
I spent this morning answering emails (4 hours!), updating the web site and posting this up for y'all. I try to communicate as frequently as I can, and some folks wonder why builders don't get right back..."it can't be that hard to plan some time in the day?" Truth is, with the advent of the internet, it is so easy for folks to fire off questions to numerous builders but good solid answers take quite some time to formulate, so solid communication takes a lot of time away from the work bench.
Anyhoo, I'm off to build a wheel and start busting out some stems for Eric, Durga, and Tin tin.
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